Welcome to the National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers!
Welcome to the National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers!
Founded in February 2021 in the state of Virginia, NSDARW is a non-profit and non-political organization. Qualifying members are American citizens who descend from American Railroad Workers who rendered service in a multitude of capacities to help build the railroad system for the United States of America, Mexico and Canada during the years of 1825 to 1950.
Elaine Baldasare, National President
(2024 – 2026)
Descendants are devoted to preserving the memory of those that were a part of this significant development in the economic growth and prosperity of the United States of America.
On behalf of our members, you are invited to explore our website and learn more about the organization and its historical value. The application to join is readily available under the “Membership” tab.
We are passionate about keeping the Spirit of the Railroad alive. Join us!
All Aboard
Elaine Baldasare, National President (2024-2026)
General Information:
The National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers was formed in 2021, by Amanda Morris and Christopher Bowen, to honor and preserve the legacy of our ancestors whose hard work enabled the expansion and prosperity of our country. We will accomplish those goals through genealogical documentation, educational programming and support for historical preservation efforts related to American railroad history. Read more -->
Membership is eligible to all men and women aged 18 or over who can prove lineal descent from a Railroad Worker who served between March 4th, 1825 – December 31st, 1950. For more information, please visit our Membership page.
Objects and Purposes:
To identify and honor the ancestors of members who were ʺrailroad workersʺ or contributed to the building, maintenance, organization or administration of a railroad, commuter rail, or a street car system in the United States, Mexico and Canada during the period between March 1, 1825 and December 31, 1950.
To collect and share records, documents, photographs, articles pertaining to the history and genealogy of ʺrailroad workers” on the Members Only Society webpage.
To engage in related educational, charitable, historical, genealogical, patriotic, literary and social activities relating to the railroad and its employees.
Motto: The journey is just as important as the destination.
“Our life is a constant journey. The landscape changes, the people change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station.” ~Thomas Carlyle
News & Announcements
A full slate of officers was approved at the May 21, 2024 meeting.
The date for the next Zoom meeting will be listed here.
Did You Know?
The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used?
Well, because that's the way they built them in England, and English engineers designed the first US railroads. Why did the English build them like that? Click HERE to learn more