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Membership is eligible to all men and women aged 18 or over who can prove lineal descent from a Railroad Worker who served between March 4th, 1825 – December 31st 1950. Youth membership is also available at a lower cost and can be upgraded to adult membership at age 18.


Qualifying Service

Acceptable service includes, but is not limited to, the following:


  • Baggage Handlers/Masters

  • Brakemen

  • Conductors

  • Engineers

  • Engine Watchmen

  • Express Agents

  • Firemen (who worked on board or in the railyards)

  • Flagmen

  • Hostlers

  • Porters

  • Railroad Administration such as officers, attorneys, accounting, etc. if employed by the railroad.

  • Railroad Laborers (as designated in the US Census)

  • Railway Mail Clerks/Agents (even if the US Postal Service was their official

  • employer)

  • Section Crew/Gang

  • Station Agents

  • Switchmen

  • Telegraphers (employed by the Railroad)

  • Ticket Agents

  • Urban rail (including streetcars, subways and commuter rail, but not buses.)

  • Wipers

Other service will be considered on a case by case basis.

Acceptable sources of service include, but are not limited to:

  • Census Records with occupations listed

  • Pension Files

  • Obituaries or vital records that list occupations

  • Newspaper articles

  • County or local histories

  • Additional forms of proof evaluated on a case by case basis.

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